Make your original homemade sandwich.

Hi Everyone.Do you want to know the secret recipe to makeing the best Subway? Keep reading to find out more.

The Story

I've went to many subway stores when I was young but I could never find out what recipe to get in the store, because I never knew what was good. So I decided to try making my own sandwich at home and I tried various methods of makeing a good subway sandwich. I tried putting jalopenos and cheese amd tomatoes and avacadoes, and whole bunch more but I could'nt find the right recipe.

The Process

So, once I've tried all the different ways of making the best subway, I've found the one. I realized that the best sandwich to make is to put everything in it. However, it should have the juciest items in the middle of the sandwich and the crunchy parts towards the end of the sandwich.

The Final Result

What I didn't realize was that I wasn't supposed to try finding a specific item to put in the sandwich. It's more of how much you put for each item in the sandwich. Thats what really makes you sandwich taste just the way you like it. So, i feel that this is the best way to get the best sandwich. Try this method today, and you will see a big difference. People try various different ways of making the best subway sandwiches all around the world!